Izdelki za jeklena jekla (7)

Machine parts  - Machine parts made with prehardened steel

Machine parts - Machine parts made with prehardened steel

Our core competence is in the processing of hard-to-machine steels such as prehardened Toolox and Hardox steel, which are increasingly used in the tool and engineering industry.
Ostrenje in obnova rezalnih orodij

Ostrenje in obnova rezalnih orodij

We sharpen cutting tools on 5-axis CNC machines, restoring the efficiency of used tools to that of a new tool. We are sharpening tools of all brands and shapes.
Import procedure 42 - Customs procedure 42

Import procedure 42 - Customs procedure 42

Postopek 42 je postopek sprostitve v prost promet in vnosa v domačo porabo za blago, ki je oproščeno DDV v okviru davčne dobave v drugo državo članico. Ob sprostitvi v prost promet se za blago plačajo carina in druge uvozne dajatve, ker pa bo izvršena davčna dobava blaga v drugo državo članico, se blago oprosti plačila DDV. Postopek 42 se dovoli, če so v deklaraciji navedeni: •Slovenska identifikacijska številka za DDV uvoznika ali njegovega davčnega zastopnika •Identifikacijska številka za DDV prejemnika blaga iz druge države članice in •Dokaz, da bo blago zapustilo območje Republike Slovenije in bo šlo v drugo državo članico.
Hardox wear parts  - Wear resistant plates made out of superior steel

Hardox wear parts - Wear resistant plates made out of superior steel

As a certified Hardox Wearparts, we produce all kinds of HARDOX wear parts. HARDOX steel comes in an impressive range of hardness levels and thicknesses., therefore is always possible to choose the right wear plate for your applications. We specialize in the production of hard-to-stretch wear parts with hardness 450 to 650 Brinell. We always have HARDOX plates in our stock, which we quickly process into wear-resistant products. We manufacture customer-specific wear parts such as rackets, funnels, slides, hammers, knives, screens or linings made of highly wear-resistant Hardox sheets. We also process Hardox rods and manufacture bolts, shafts and bearing bushings.
Nerotirajoča rezilna orodja - PCD, PCBN stružne ploščice - Turning inserts

Nerotirajoča rezilna orodja - PCD, PCBN stružne ploščice - Turning inserts

Naša nerotirajoča rezilna orodja izdelujemo z uporabo najmodernejše tehnologije, podprte z dolgoletnimi razvojnimi izkušnjami. Za naše naročnike lahko izdelamo orodje iz različnih materialov, s katerimi dosežemo daljšo življenjsko dobo ter visoko natančnost pri uporabi.
Bandsaw and shape cuts  - Top quality thanks to professional processing

Bandsaw and shape cuts - Top quality thanks to professional processing

Company Damatech has extensive facilities for processing prehardened steel grades exactly in line with customer requirements: narrow cutting tolerances, reliable and top quality manufacturing. Damatech Company offers bandsaw cutting, abrasive water jet cutting, flame and plasma cutting.
Moulds and die parts  - Made out of Toolox - prehardened steel

Moulds and die parts - Made out of Toolox - prehardened steel

Excellent features of Toolox make it applicable in endless applications in variety of industries. Toolox is exceptionally machinable, dimensionally stable, resistant to fatigue and has high cleanliness. On top of all these guaranteed properties, Toolox also has excellent polishing qualities. Toolox is prehardened so additional heat treatment Is not necessary which results in significant time savings.